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Performance Reviews Aren’t Dead

We’ve heard it all before: “Performance Evaluations are dead.” There are a lot of valid reasons; they take too long, they don’t actually change performance, and so on. But there are a lot of organizations who are digging in their heels and sticking with it – and they’re getting good…

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How a Commitment to Lifelong Learning Impacts Performance

If you log onto Facebook around the country in the coming days, you’ll see picture after picture of elementary to high school students heading off for their first day of school. It’s a fun and exciting time as they prepare to embrace another year of growth and learning ahead. But…

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Leadership in a VUCA World

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, or VUCA, is an idea introduced by the U.S. Army War College in 1987 to describe and prepare for the post-Cold War world. Since then, VUCA has made its way into business speak, particularly for strategic leadership ideas and approaches. So, what does VUCA represent?…

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