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Quickly Align Your Team Priorities
Teams aligned on the same priorities accomplish much more than those that aren’t. The idea is simple. Imagine how much further a team pulling a cart from one direction will get than a team pulling the same cart from different angles. But in practice, alignment can be difficult. As the…
Read moreReal Life Agile HR: A Sprint Case Study
In our last post, we provided an introduction to the Agile Methodology for HR professionals. This time, we’re taking a look at Agile HR in real life with a short case study on how to use a Sprint to solve a challenge. Watch Today’s Topic If you’re having trouble viewing…
Read moreAn Introduction to Agile for HR
As more and more industries and business units adopt the Agile Methodology, it’s critical that Human Resources understands this lightweight development method. So today, we’re providing a quick introduction to Agile for HR professionals. Watch Today’s Topic If you’re having trouble viewing the video above, click here. An Introduction to…
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