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How to Lead an Ethical Digital Transformation
Recently, we discussed how Digital Transformation presents HR an opportunity to be a strategic differentiator. But with this opportunity also comes a responsibility to ensure the change leads to a healthy and positive workplace. In this post, future-of-work consultant Chris Schmelzer discusses how HR can lead an ethical, people-first, approach…
Read moreWhat is HR’s Role in Digital Transformation?
In our previous post, we looked at where HR currently invests its resources and the importance of reallocating its time and money toward activities that create competitive advantages. In this post, we’re diving into one of the key strategies for transitioning from administrative and compliance tasks to work that generates business…
Read moreRethinking How HR Invests Its Resources
HR practitioners want to make a difference in their organization. They want to help attract new talent, develop current employees, and strategically manage the impact of their company’s people. But are HR business units best investing their resources to achieve those results? Watch This Week’s Topic If you can’t see…
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